Great Grace From Saint Francis de Sales

Great Grace From Saint Francis de Sales

On the Feast of St. Francis de Sales, patronal feast of our Institute, we are very grateful and glad to announce that, after formally concluding the apostolic visitation of the worldwide houses of the Institute, the Holy See has given its final and permanent approval of the Institute’s constitutions in a decree signed by His Eminence, Gerhard Cardinal Mueller, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

In the 26th year of its foundation by the Prior General, Monsignor Gilles Wach, the Institute’s family of canons, oblates, seminarians, sisters Adorers of the Royal Heart, and lay members of the Society of the Sacred Heart rejoice in this new affirmation of the work and spiritual character of our community.

In the name of our Prior General and of all superiors we thank you, dear faithful, for your   continuous prayers as well as for your ongoing spiritual and material support which makes it possible for us to continue our service of the universal Church as disciples of our beloved patron, St. Francis de Sales, the “Doctor of Divine Charity. ” The apostolates of the Institute worldwide will chant the Church’s   solemn hymn of thanksgiving, the “Te Deum,” in gratitude to the Holy Trinity for this special grace.


Chaplain’s Corner | Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary


On Tuesday, the Church celebrates the feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which is also the feast of Our Lord’s Presentation in the Temple. On February 2, Jesus is 40 days old and leaves Bethlehem with His Mother and foster-father to go to the Temple. Thus, this is the traditional conclusion of the Christmas season because the Holy Family no longer rests in Bethlehem.

Jesus and Mary have no need to fulfill the Law for, being sinless, they are not subject to it. Our Lady has no need for purification since her conception of Jesus and giving Him birth were wholly miraculous and divine. Jesus has Continue reading

The Chaplain’s Corner | “A Brief Explanation of Some Aspects of the Mass in its Extraordinary Form Series” #3

imageTo acquire a ”notable liturgical formation and a deep, personal familiarity with the earlier form of the liturgical celebration” (Motu Proprio, Benedict XVI, July 2007) or an exploration into the theological, historical, devotional, liturgical, ritualistic, architectural, artistic, linguistic, practical, legalistic, mystical… aspects of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

The notion of Sacrifice and its structure: Since dawn of time, sacrifices are offered to the divinities. They are the expression of the inner consciousness of human dependency from their creator. Reasonable, the creature recognizes that he owes his life and surrounding to something greater than himself and therefore offers a cult to the ‘divinity’. In anthropology, differentiation between human and animal kingdom is based upon the trace of a cult to a deity and the care given to the dead.

All cult, as primitive as they can be, always acknowledge the ‘majesty of this Power’, the requirement to give thanks, the need to appease him from past offenses and eventually the possibility to address prayers.

Adoration, thanksgiving, propitiation and Continue reading

Constitution of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest approved by CDF!


Deo gratias! We have just been informed of the joyful news that today, January 29, 2016, Feast of St. Francis de Sales, the Constitution of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest receives final approval from the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei signed by His Eminence, Cardinal Gerhard Müller – Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF). A fitting way to mark the 25th anniversary of it’s founding. The Institute apostolate in Oakland (St. Margaret Mary) will have a veneration of the relic of St. Francis de Sales today (Friday, Jan. 29) after the 6PM Low Mass. A plenary indulgence may be obtained by assisting mass of one of the Institute apostolates under the usual conditions: Praying the Creed, Confession, Receiving Holy Communion and Praying for the Intentions of the Holy Father (One Our Father, One Hail Mary, One Glory Be). The External Solemnity of St. Francis de Sales will be celebrated on Sunday, January 31 at both St. Margaret Mary’s in Oakland and at the Immaculate Heart of Mary Oratory in San Jose, CA.


TLMS of SF Coverage of the 2016 Walk For Life West Coast!

It was a full day for us last Saturday (Jan. 23, 2016), as we started the day getting organized for the Walk For Life Info Faire at Civic Center Plaza. This is what we’ve been doing for the past couple of years before the Walk For Life Program, where we display and distribute materials, flyers, brochures on the Traditional Latin Mass, along with 50 other vendors (ranging from pro-life pregnancy clinics to Diocesan and religious communities). We also volunteered to take photos of our fellow vendors at the Info Faire. We started to pack our display when the program started, which included an impressive line up of speakers such as Obianuju Ekeocha of Culture of Life Africa, Mexican musical superstar and pro-life activist Emmanuel, and also David Daleiden of the Center for Medical Progress (well known for his undercover videos on Planned Parenthood’s selling of body parts of aborted babies). Inspite of the rainy weather at the onstart of the Walk (it eventually stopped), it didn’t prevent several thousands of pro-lifers from filling up the streets of downtown San Francisco! It was also edifying to see various Traditional Latin Mass communities (specially the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest, Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter and this year, the participation of more than 500 people from the Society of St. Pius X, where the Superior General, Bishop Bernard Fellay was present); walking side by side for the sanctity of life! After the Walk, we proceeded to the National Shrine of St. Francis of Assisi for a Solemn High Mass in the Extraordinary Form that was celebrated by Fr. Anthony M., OFM Conv., with assistance of Fr. Zachary Akers, FSSP, and Fr. Ashley Perry from St. Stephen’s. Music was provided by the St Ann Choir of Palo Alto and directed by Prof. William Mahrt. We will be uploading shortly the video of Fr. Anthony’s sermon.

In the meantime, below are some of the photos we took. Photos can be downloaded and shared, though we are only requesting photo credits to go to the Traditional Latin Mass Society of San Francisco. More photos can be viewed at our smugmug photo gallery. Click here for the photo albums of the Info Faire, Walk For Life Program, and Solemn High Mass. But be sure to mark your calendars for next year’s walk, which will take place on January 21, 2017!

Info Faire Tent. There were two rows of tents setup across the Civic Center Plaza for various organizations.

The Gabriel Project, one of our booth neighbors, a parish-based ministry for pregnant mothers in need.

Our booth!! Filled with leaflets, flyers, brochures on the Traditional Latin Mass, plus a few sweets given out to everyone passing by!

Our chaplain, Reverend Canon Olivier Meney, Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest (ICRSS, ICSKP)

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Septuagesima Sunday: High Mass in the EF with Fr. Jeffrey Keyes at Star of the Sea

It has been awhile since we’ve been at Star of the Sea Church in San Francisco, but we recently had the opportunity to be there again for Fr. Jeffrey Keyes’ High Mass in the Extraordinary Form last Sunday, January 24th. Father Keyes, who’s currently based at St. Mary’s Church at Norwalk, CT, was in town for a few days, where he got to attend the Walk For Life West Coast the day before. The church was a bit crowded – more than usual – due to a bus load of visitors coming from St. Anne’s Church in San Diego, who were also at the Walk for Life. Folks from Father Keyes’ former parish, St. Edwards at Newark, CA, were also there to see what has transpired with him since his departure last year.

Here are some of the photos taken from the High Mass with Father Keyes. More can be viewed at our smugmug photo gallery.



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The Chaplain’s Corner | “A Brief Explanation of Some Aspects of the Mass in its Extraordinary Form Series” #2

CM 2To acquire a ”notable liturgical formation and a deep, personal familiarity with the earlier form of the liturgical celebration” (Motu Proprio, Benedict XVI, July 2007) or an exploration into the theological, historical, devotional, liturgical, ritualistic, architectural, artistic, linguistic, practical, legalistic, mystical… aspects of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

Why is the Extraordinary Form so important?
Contrarily to a common misinformed affirmations, the desire to follow this Old Rite is not the fruit of a certain futile nostalgia of the past. It suffices to look at the crowds of young families and seminarians to be convinced. The EF carries within itself a mysterious strength, a power that transcends times and generations.
Since there is only one and unique teaching of our Mother the Church about the Sacrifice of the Mass, the core theology, divinely taught, cannot be the point of differentiation between one rite or another. They are all diverse expression of Continue reading

Chaplain’s Corner | Septuagesima Sunday


​Tomorrow is the feast of the Conversion of St. Paul, while Wednesday is the feast of St. John Chrysostom, Friday is the feast of St. Francis de Sales, and January 31 is the feast of St. John Bosco. These four feast days warm our hearts with grace during the cold winter days of January. We are still in Bethlehem with the Holy Family, even if the Liturgy remains quiet in this regard. During these days, we meditate on the power of the grace flowing from the Sacred Humanity of the Divine Babe.

​In the Conversion of St. Paul, we see the power of grace and the freedom it brings as Continue reading

Chaplain’s Corner | “A Brief Explanation of Some Aspects of the Mass in its Extraordinary Form Series” #1



Benedict XVI in his Motu Proprio (July 2007) encourages all catholics to acquire a ”notable liturgical formation and a deep, personal familiarity with the earlier form of the liturgical celebration”.

We will then explore the theological, historical, devotional, liturgical, ritualistic, architectural, artistic, linguistic, practical, legalistic, mystical… aspects of the august Sacrifice that is known as the Tridentine Rite, the Mass of Saint Pius V or the Extraordinary Form.

Lectors of this column are more than encouraged to submit their questions on the Mass for the good of the whole community.

Ten priests have recently been asked what part of the Mass, words or rubrics, appeal to them in particular. Ten different interesting answers. Father Fabrice Loiseau founder of the Missionary of the Divine Mercy (    answered: “It is a very difficult question. It is like asking a husband what part he prefers in his wife or in his child. They cannot be cut in pieces. Likewise Mass is a indivisible whole. That being said, some particular features are certainly more attractive than others. The prayers at the foot of the Altar appeal to me indeed because at that moment, as we enter the Mystery, I find myself separated form my daily tasks and ready to be elevated above earthly cares. I enter into something greater than me”.

Canon Olivier Meney, ICRSS




2016 Walk for Life – TLM/EF Mass schedules, Info Faire

There are at least 3 Traditional Latin Masses scheduled at the vicinity of this weekend’s Walk for Life in San Francisco:

1) Sung Traditional Latin Mass preceding the West Coast Walk for Life, 10:00 am, Saturday, January 23rd at Carmel of Cristo Rey, the Feast of St. Raymond of Penafort. The church is located at 721 Parker Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94118.

2) Holy Mass will also be celebrated, 10:00 am, at the historic St. Brigid Church on Van Ness Avenue by His Excellency, Bernard Fellay, Superior General of the Priestly Society of St. Pius X at the Old St. Brigid’s Church at the corner of Van Ness and Broadway. There is limited parking available behind the church accessible on Broadway around 1682. Otherwise street parking is advised. The church is 1.3 miles from Civic Center Plaza where the Walk for Life begins and so those who wish will have an hour or so before the walk to get lunch and walk down. Or there is a bus line that stops right in front of the church that can be taken for $2 straight down Van Ness to City Hall – the march starts in front of City Hall at the Civic Center Plaza. Another option for parking would be to park near the civic center and take the bus back down Van Ness to the church.

3) National Shrine of Saint Francis of Assisi, 610 Vallejo Street, San Francisco, 5:00PM
After the Walk, a Solemn High Mass for life in the Extraordinary Form will be celebrated by Friar Anthony Lajato, OFM Conv. The St Ann Choir of Palo Alto, directed by Prof. William Mahrt, will sing. The Mass will start at 5:00 p.m., a short walk from the end of the Walk for Life.

The California Apostolates of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest (Oakland and San Jose) have teamed up again this year with the Traditional Latin Mass Society of San Francisco and will have a booth at the Info Faire from 11:00AM to 12:30PM at the Civic Center Plaza, San Francisco. We will be at Tent One (facing toward Polk Street / City Hall), Table #22 (between Our Lady of Peace Church and Catholic Answers booth). Please feel free to stop by and say hello! After the Info Faire ends, we will be gathering under the third flag pole (counting from the building on the right as you look at the Civic Center), and will walk together after the rally, which is ending at 1:30pm.


Due to the presence this year of the ‘Super Bowl City,’ which is under construction on the day of the Walk, we won’t be able to end at Justin Herman Plaza (though you’re most welcome to walk there from our ending location). Instead, the Walk will turn right on Fremont Street, four blocks before Justin Herman Plaza, and end at the intersection of Howard Street (see map above).

After the Walk ends, we invite you to proceed 4 blocks east to Rincon Park on San Francisco’s waterfront. There you will be met by Mariachi Real de San Pablo, the Walk’s traditional mariachi band. Here you will be able to relax, meet up with friends, take group pictures and enjoy beautiful views of the Bay. There is a walking path along the waterfront from Rincon Park to the Ferry Building, where you can enjoy a number of food shops and other attractions, or even walk another mile to Pier 39 (Fisherman’s Wharf) and its attractions. For a quieter, more reflective time, proceed south on the Embarcadero along the walking path for beautiful views of the bay, the Bay Bridge, and Oakland.